The most painstaking histological investigations of Broca’s area were carried out by Kreht (1936), who followed the tradition of the Vogts with their careful description of every detail and variation in cell density and size. Von Bonin’s and Bailey’s observations were essentially the same as Kreht’s, but the latter also occasionally found larger cells in layer VI. The fourth layer in all cortices examined was noticeably sparsely populated with cells. Kreht observed that Broca’s area always tended to be different from surrounding areas, but that the cytoarchitecture itself in this region varied greatly from brain to brain. Kreht also investigated homologous areas in brains of a few apes and monkeys and found that the cortices of these animals had areas with similar cytoarchitecture as that found in Broca’s area. Thus the microscopic anatomical detail does not contribute to our search for histological correlates of speech and language.
有關Broca’s area 所做的最艱苦的歷史研究是由 Kreht (1936)所擔任的。他是一位跟隨Vogts的腳步,細心的描述有關細胞密度與大小的所有細節與變化。Von Bonin’s 和Bailey’s 的觀察就跟Kreht 的觀察一樣的重要。 但Kreht 偶爾會發現到在第五層有較大的細胞。被發現到在第四層的所有皮層間只分布了稀疏的細胞。Kreht 觀察到Broca’s area 與其周圍的區域都有所不同。但在這個區域的細胞結構本身根據不同的腦袋而有很大的改變。Kreht 也調查到在一些人猿與猴子的腦袋中有類似的區域且發現這些動物的皮層都有與Broca’ area 相似的區域。所以,這些精微的解剖細節就我們研究語音與語言相關的歷史並沒有很大的貢獻。
有關Broca’s area 所做的最艱苦的歷史研究是由 Kreht (1936)所擔任的。他是一位跟隨Vogts的腳步,細心的描述有關細胞密度與大小的所有細節與變化。Von Bonin’s 和Bailey’s 的觀察就跟Kreht 的觀察一樣的重要。 但Kreht 偶爾會發現到在第五層有較大的細胞。被發現到在第四層的所有皮層間只分布了稀疏的細胞。Kreht 觀察到Broca’s area 與其周圍的區域都有所不同。但在這個區域的細胞結構本身根據不同的腦袋而有很大的改變。Kreht 也調查到在一些人猿與猴子的腦袋中有類似的區域且發現這些動物的皮層都有與Broca’ area 相似的區域。所以,這些精微的解剖細節就我們研究語音與語言相關的歷史並沒有很大的貢獻。
Behavioral Maps. The mapping of speech areas is based on observations of behavioral derangement in the presence of (α) internal brain disease; (β) of penetrating head injuries (trauma); (γ) surgical excision; and (δ) observations of behavior during electrical stimulation of the exposed cortex during surgery.
(δ) 在手術期間對於暴露在外的皮層做電擊的刺激的行為觀察。