Let us focus on the species-specificities of behavior. There are certain cerebral functions that mediate between sensory input and motor output which we shall call generically cognitive function. The neurophysiology of cognitive function is largely unknown but its behavioral correlates are the propensity for problem solving, the formation of learning sets, the tendency to generalize in certain directions, or the facility for memorizing some but not other conditions. The interaction or integrated patterns of all of these different potentialities produces the cognitive specificities that have induced von Uexkuell, the forerunner of modern ethology, to propose that every species has its own world-view. The phenomenological implications of his formulation may sound old-fashioned today, but students of animal behavior cannot ignore the fact that the differences in cognitive processes (1)are empirically demonstrable and (2) are the correlates of species-specific behavior.
(ii) Specific properties of cognitive function are replicated in every member of the species.
Although there are individual differences among all creatures, the members of one species resemble each other very closely. In every individual a highly invariable type of both form and function is replicated. Individual differences of most characteristics tend to have a normal (Gaussian) frequency distribution and the differences within species are smaller than between species. (We are disregarding special taxonomic problems in species identification.) The application of these notions to (i) makes it clear that also the cognitive processes and potentialities that are characteristics of a species are replicated in every individual. Notice that we must distinguish between what an individual actually does and what he is capable of doing. The intraspecific similarity holds for the latter, not the former, and the similarity in capacity becomes striking only if we concentrate on the general type and manner of activity and disregard such variables as how fast or how accurately a given performance is carried out.
(ii) 認知功能的特定特性會反映在每個物種中。
每一個物種都有複製了不變的型態與功能。大部分個體的差異傾向於正常頻率分布和物種自己的差異小於物種之間的差異。(我們不考慮在物種定義中的分類的特殊問題。) 這些觀念運用在
(iii) Cognitive processes and capacities are differentiated spontaneously with maturation.
This statement must not be confused with the question of how much the environment contributes to development. It is obvious that all development requires an appropriate substrate and availability of certain forms of energy. However, in most cases environments are not specific to just one form of life and development. A forest pond may be an appropriate environment for hundreds of different forms of life. It may support the fertilized egg of a frog or a minnow, and each of the eggs will respond to just those types and forms of energy that are appropriate to it. The frog’s egg will develop into a frog and the minnow’s egg into a minnow. The pond just makes the building stones available, but the organismic architecture unfolds through conditions that are created within the maturing individual.
(iii) 認知過程與潛力不同於自然的成熟。
這個陳述與環境如何發展有關的問題並不會令人困惑。很明顯的所有的發展都需要適當的底層與力量的一種形式。 然而,大部分的例子中環境並不是指生活的形式和發展。森林中的池塘可能很適合數以百計不同生命形態所生活的環境。池塘會養育青蛙的受精蛋或是小魚,但每一種蛋都是適合這個環境的力量型式的一種。青蛙蛋會生出青蛙與小魚的蛋會生出小魚。池塘指示一個建造出的石頭但這有機的建築展現出可以創造出成熟個體的環境與條件。