2008年10月14日 星期二

LB Chapter 3 Reference 121-124

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LB Chapter 3 VI. Summary 119-120

Language as any other type of behavior, is seen as a manifestation of intricate physiological processes. In higher mammals the processes have many common denominators, but they have also undergone modifications in accordance with specializaion in behavior. Respiration, which is in many ways identical in a wide variety of species, shows particularly well forms of adaptations to species-specific behavior patterns. Some such adaptations have been described for the execution of speech and vocalization.
From examination of speech production, the following points emerged:
(1) The neuromuscular correlates of speech sounds are muscular contraction patterns among one and the same set of muscles.
(2) In most instances, physiological events precede the acoustic events of speech sounds.
(3) For individual speech sounds, the duration of physiological events may be twice as long as the duration of acoustic events.
(4) Hence, the sequential arrangemetns of muscular events require preplanning with anticipation of later events; therefore, the occurrence of some events is contingent upon other events yet to come, which may be adduced as proof that sequencing on a neuromuscular level is not accomplished by an associative mechanism.
(5) The interdigitation of muscular correlates of phones is mirrored also on higher levles of segmentation. Thus ordering-phenomena on all levels of speech and language appear to be related and to exhibit striking formal similarites.
On the neuromuscular level the interdigitation phenomenon poses a problem of timing owing to the fast rate of sound production. Throughout the duration of individual speech sounds, muscles must be activated ( or de-activated) at such rapid succession that a neuronal firing order must be assumed that functions with an accuracy of milliseconds. This can be accomplished only by automatisms consisting of intricate time-patterns. Patterning in time (in contrast to temporal disorder) is based on an underlying rhythmic metric. The hypothesis is advanced that the temporal patterns on which the neuromuscular automatisms are based habe at their roots a physiological rhythm consisting of periodic changes of "states" at a rate of 6 +_ 1 cps. Indirect evidence is cited that articulation itself reflects such a basic rhythm.
There are also psychological and neurological rhythms or basic temporal units and their possible relationship to the speech rhythm is discussed.
(形) 複雜的, 纏結的, 錯綜的
common denominator
公分母; 共同特性

(名) 實行; 履行; 執行; 完成
(形) 神經肌肉的
(名) 收縮, 傳染, 縮寫式
(形) 可能發生的; 暫時的; 附隨的
(名) 自動, 自動作用, 自動力
(形) 神經學的; 神經病學的

2008年10月8日 星期三

PrefaceT Paragraph 1 and 8

The study of language is pertinent to many fields of inquiry. It is relevant to psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and medicine. It encroaches upon the humanities, as well as upon the social and nature sciences. We may pursue investigations that concentrate on what man has done with or to specific languages; or we may regard language as a natural phenomenon-an aspect of his biological nature, to be studied in the same manner as, for instance, his anatomy. Which of these approaches is to be chosen is entirely a matter of personal curiosity. This book is concerned with the biological aspects of language.
Throughout these years, I have enjoyed the financial support of the National Institutes of Health, U. S. Public Health Service, grants MH-02921, M-5268, 1-K-3-MH-21700, and National Science Foundation GS-300. Finally,I would like to express my gratitude to Eleanor F. Rosenberger, who has been responsible for typing and retyping the manuscript, for a gigantic editorial job and for patient library research. Cambridge, Mass. E.H. L.
整整這些年來,我享有了來自美國國家衛生院及美國公共衛生服務處財務上的資助,補助了研究計劃MH-02921、M-5268及1-K-3-MH-21700,美國國家科學基金會補助了研究計畫GS-300。最後,我想表達我對Elanor F. Roseberger的感激之情,他負責了打字及校正原稿、大量的編輯工作以及耐心的圖書研究。